Should I have both hips or knees replaced at the same time or separately? What if I don’t feel like coming back for the second procedure?
I see many patients who have arthritic symptoms from both their…

Do Stem Cell and PRP injections help advanced arthritis: AAHKS official position
I just opened my local Sunday paper today to find a full page…

When should I have my hip or knee replaced? When you’re surviving but not thriving.
Like almost everything in life, this decision is seldom black…

Partial vs. Total Hip Replacement Surgery
Some patients in need of a hip replacement will ask me if they are candidates for a partial rather than a total hip replacement because it sounds “less invasive.” Unlike the knee (which has three distinct compartments and when one wears out there’s a good chance that only that compartment needs to be replaced), the hip is a single ball (femoral head) and joint socket (acetabulum) and a partial hip replacement often isn’t the optimum choice.

Multiple Hip, Knee and Back Pain Issues: Which To Treat First?
At The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care, I routinely see patients who present with pain and/or disability from arthritic disease in both hips or knees and sometimes a combination of hips and knees. Many of these same patients also have pain from back issues.

Why Joint Replacement Patients Are Getting Well So Much Faster Today
At The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care at Holy Cross Hospital, we see and treat people who have developed problems associated with their hips or knees.

Treat the Patient, Not the X-rays or Scans
In this article I will discuss the patient who has significant disability from a hip or knee, but whose workup either is not definitive or doesn’t appear “severe enough” to warrant joint replacement.

Two Computer Systems Improve Total Knee Replacement Surgery
New techniques and technologies have been developed, which include use of sophisticated computers and pressure sensors. These tools have vastly improved the consistency of achieving surgical goals by allowing us to recognize and correct subtleties in balancing the soft tissue sleeve and then optimize limb alignment.

Leading Edge Strategies to Regenerate Hyaline Cartilage
My final blog in this series on biologic strategies for repairing joint damage focuses on leading edge treatments designed to stimulate the regeneration of new hyaline cartilage: Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation (OATS or Mosaicplasty), Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation, Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) and Stem Cell and Tissue engineering.

Misconceptions about Partial and Total Knee Replacement
Before considering knee surgery, you and your surgeon must carefully weigh the benefits of partial versus total knee replacement. Although age and physical activity play a role in the decision-making process, by far the most important consideration is the condition of the knee joint.

The Future of Medical Care in America and The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care
The future of medical care in America has become the million dollar question as the Affordable Care Act is now in play.

Determining the Need for Total Knee Replacement Surgery
In the first of two blog posts focusing on computer assisted…