Dr. William Leone’s Videos
How to prepare for surgery
Recovery after a hip or knee replacement
How likely is it that I will need another hip or knee replacement?
Why are people having hip and knee replacements at younger ages?
What is a concierge practice?
How soon can I resume sports after a hip or knee replacement?
Traveling after a hip or knee replacement
Is it possible to avoid a hip or knee replacement with therapy?
How old is too old for a hip or knee replacement?
How likely is it that I will need another hip or knee replacement?
How can you extend the life of an artificial hip or knee joint
Common misconceptions about hip and knee replacements
One of the most common
fears of surgery is pain
The SPAIRE Approach
Latest Technique for Hip Surgery
Preventing Pain After Surgery
Preventing Pain After Surgery
Philosophy behind the Leone Center
Philosophy behind the Leone Center
Why go to the Leone Center
Why go to the Leone Center
Faster recovery times at the Leone Center
Faster recovery times at the Leone Center
Caring for my patients during Covid
Caring for my patients during Covid
The art of surgery combined with “High Tech”
The art of surgery combined with “High Tech”
Dr. Leone’s experience and why he founded
The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care
The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care
and Team at Holy Cross Orthopedic Institute
Common causes of hip pain, why patients opt for surgery
Hip Replacement Surgery Using the Pelvic Alignment Level (PAL)
Partial vs. Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Understanding the patients personal needs
Dr. Leone discusses recent advancements in orthopedic surgery
Total knee replacement suture removal
Exeter Total Hip Replacement
Discussing the Pelvic Alignment Level (PAL)
Recovery following hip or knee surgery
Prevention of Infection
Prevention of Infection
Pelvic Alignment level (PAL) to Optimize
Cup Position During Total Hip Replacement
Dr. Leone Explains the Difference
Between a Healthy and an Arthritic Hip Joint
The exceptional team at The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care
The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care, ‘Destination Practice’ for Hip & Knee Surgery
Dr. Leone Explains Why Hip & Knee Patients Get Well Much Faster Than Ever Before
Diagnosing an arthritic hip joint
Why Consider Partial Knee Replacement
Dr. Leone’s Background and Vast Experience an an Orthopedic Surgeon
Remarkable Result after TKR after multiple prior surgeries and deformity
Verasense OrthoSensor – Creating a precise blueprint to balance a TKR with Sensor
Computer Navigation Improves Results for TKR: Fine-tuning Bone Cuts within 1mm and 1 degree
How our Natural Knee Moves and Alignment
Goals after Knee Replacement Surgery
Total Hip Replacement SubQ Suture Removal
Robotic Assistance for Partial Knee Replacement Surgery (Makoplasty)
Diagnosing and fixing a painful total knee replacement using kinematic sensors
Dr Leone Performing Suture Removal TKR
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Mako Rio Navigation Tool
Mako Rio Navigation Tool
“Mini Spinal” for Outpatient Hip and Knee Replacement…Best of Both Worlds
Patients’ Testimonials
“I can run around in circles with my Mercedes-Benz hip” ( Hip Video)
“My Hips Are Fantastic!” ( Bilateral Hips Video)
“I Have no Limitations. It Has Changed My Life.” ( Total Replacement Video)
“I couldn’t go through life like that. Now, I’m so happy.” ( SPAIRE Total Hip Replacement Video)
“He has blessed hands” (Bilateral Total Knee Replacements Video)
“I’m feeling great.” (Bilateral Hips SPAIRE Approach Video)
“I’m great! The second hip was easier than the first.” (Bilateral Hip Replacement Video)
“I’m ecstatic about my new knee! Thank you Dr. Leone.” (Total Knee Replacement Video)
“I love that doctor because my life changed after my surgery.” (Total Hip Video)
“No one could be nicer and I am feeling just amazing.” (Total Hip Video)
“My Revision Total Knee Replacement absolutely changed my life.” (Video)
“Would have done it sooner if I would have known it was going to be so professionally managed.” (Total SPAIRE Hip Replacement Video)
“It’s been a life-changing experience.” (Total Knee Replacement Video)
“It’s amazing how normal this feels.” (Total Hip Replacement Video)
“I feel fantastic after !” (Total Hip Replacement Video)
“I Have a New and Improved Husband.” (2 Total Knees)
“The aftercare was good. I felt like an individual. I am a walking commercial.” Partial Knee Replacement
85 Yrs. – “It’s Like a New Kid in That Knee Again.” (Revision Knee Video)
After seven years, Bret is still skiing, the “steep and deep”. Partial knee replacement (Video)
“Dr. Leone, you gave me my life back.” SPAIRE total hip replacement. (Video)
After a Hip Revision Surgery, I introduced Dr. Leone to my best friend, who then had a Hip and Knee Replacement. (Video 2024)
Keith, after a failed knee replacement, is lucky to have found Dr. Leone (Video 2024)
Larry Gives Dr. Leone 5 Stars x 10. Total Hip SPAIRE (Video 2024)
After Having 3 Joint Replacements by Dr Leone, Jennifer Feels Amazing. Total Hip SPAIRE (Video 2023)
“I was in a lot of pain, he was amazing, staff incredible.” Total Hip SPAIRE (Video 2023)
“Frank’s Hip Journey from 4 Hours to Two Weeks.” Total Hip SPAIRE (Video 2023)
“My Top Gun Surgeon.” Total Hip SPAIRE (Video 2023)
“It was wonderful no pain at all.” Total Knee (Video 2023)
“Physical therapists can tell which patients are from William.” SPAIRE Hip (Video 2023)
“I Feel Fantastic!” Total Knee Replacement (Video 2023)
“I’m Good.” SPAIRE Bilateral Hips Video 2023
The new hip is an enormous difference, so strong and balanced SPAIRE Technique Video 2023
“Such professionalism and care that comes out of this office.” Both Hips SPAIRE Technique Video 2023
“I searched for about five years and went to seven doctors.” Both Hips SPAIRE Technique Video 2023
“Exercise, go to the gym, and go see Dr. Leone.” SPAIRE Hip Video 2023
“It was a challenging knee, then he fixed my hip, and I am pain-free.” Revision Knee and SPAIRE Hip Video 2023
“It was a difficult post-op , but they took very good care of me.” (Revision Knee, 2023)
“I had a difficult hip situation, and he mastered it!” (Revision Hip, August 2023)
“It was the best thing I ever did !” (SPAIRE hip replacement, August 2023)
“I didn’t even realize I had surgery!” (SPAIRE bilateral hip replacements, August 2023)
“Amen! No Pain, and I feel great.” (Multiple Revision Hip Surgeries, 2023)
“All my customers said that I had to get Dr. Leone” (Partial Knee Conversion to Total Knee, 2023)
2nd Hip with SPAIRE Technique, “This time it feels totally different.” (SPAIRE Hip Video)
“My life instantly changed.” (SPAIRE Hip, Video 2023)
“If you are going to get a knee replacement, he’s the guy to see, my doctor told me.” (Video 2023)
“I’m 80 years old and I’m living to be 100, thanks to Dr. Leone.” (Video 2023)
“If you are even contemplating a Knee Replacement, you have to come see Dr. Leone (Video 2023)
Patient Rides His Bike to His Follow-Up Appointment (SPAIRE Hip-Video 2023)
“He did so well with the first tip, I had to come back for the second.” SPAIRE Hip(Video 2023)
“I couldn’t stand 2 minutes in line and now I can dance.” (Video 2023)
“After my first surgery did not work, I did my own research and found Dr. Leone” Knee Revision (Video 2023)
“I am a new person, and I have Dr. Leone to thank for that.” (Video 2023)
“No One Wanted To Operate On Me Because I am An Overweight Person.” SPAIRE Hip(Video 2023)
“I Am Sorry I Waited 2 years after My Last Knee Replacement” Total Knee (Video 2023)
“It’s My Favorite Joint” Partial Knee (Video 2023)
“Now In Two Weeks I feel Amazing!” Total Knee (Video 2023)
“It’s Perfect! I can do everything.” Hip (Video 2023)
“I listened to my doctor instead of my friends and I’m so glad I did.” SPAIRE Hip (Video 2023)
2 Hips & 1 knee “He takes care of Me and is good with my family.” (Video 2023)
“After a big surgery, I am very, very happy.” (Video 2022)
“I Promise You, You Will Not Regret It.” (Video 2022)
“Honestly, It was the Best Decision I Ever Made.” (Video 2022)
“I allowed him to reinvent me!” (Video 2022)
“After several surgeons and five years of pain, I have no pain!” Revision Knee (Video 2022)
“I feel like I can walk miles ,just after five weeks” SPAIRE Hip Approach (Video 2022)
“I’m in retail, I stand all day and this has helped me tremendously.” Total Knee (Video 2022)
I was basically crippled, then I met the magic man Dr. Leone- SPAIRE Hip (Video 2022)
“We are a Leone Family!” SPAIRE Hip Approach (Video 2022)
Chancellor of Keiser University is a Happy Graduate -Knee Replacement (Video 2022)
“I’m Doing Everything, Thanks to You Doc.” Knee Replacement (Video 2022)
“I’m 2 Inches Taller, Thinner, Happier…” Knee Replacements (Video 2022)
“I Did Tons OF Research And Dr. Leone Came Out On Top!” Hip SPAIRE Approach (Video 2022)
“Look At Me Now!” Revision Hip Replacements (Video 2022)
“Six weeks after total knee replacement and it’s perfect!” Video 2022
Two hips and one knee, “Thank you Dr. Leone” Video 2022
“He’s the doctor to go to.” After two previously failed hip surgeries, she found Dr. Leone. Video 2022
Happy patient after revision total knee replacement. (Video 2022)
“Believe me, they take really good care.” SPAIRE Hip Approah (Video 2022)
From Long Island, Bahamas (Bilateral Total Knees Video 2022)
“I Suffered for 5 years!” Hip SPAIRE Approach ( Video 2022)
Husband & Wife – 4 New Knees( Video 2022)
“It Was The Easiest of All My Surgeries!” Video 2022
“I’m Back!” – Bilateral Knee Video 2022
Meet Dr. Leone’s Letter Carrier- Total Knee Video 2022
“I’m in the healthcare business and these folks really care.” Video 2022
“Nothing but a really great experience!” Partial Knee Replacement Video 2022
“My Hip Pain is Gone!” SPAIRE Approach (Video 2022)
“If you have any type of arthritic pain, he’s your man!” Knee Replacements (Video 2022)
I am Walking Because of the Mercy of God and Dr. Leone Knee Replacement (Video 2022)
“I’m sorry I waited so long.” -Total Hip SPAIRE Approach (Video 2022)
He’s My Magician -Total Hip SPAIRE Approach (Video 2022)
“Just an amazing experience” Total hip – SPAIRE approach
After My Knee Replacement, My COPD Improved 100% (Video 2022)
Bret Marshal – Celebrating my fifth anniversary skiing with lateral PKR
I came from the Bahamas to have both hips done!
Fun and Remarkable Video
Fun and Remarkable Video
“I’m The Happiest Person” After Double Hip Replacement
Skiing the Rockies after knee replacement
Playing Tennis 5 Weeks After Knee Surgery
Hip surgery patient doing a cartwheel.
Surgical solutions for Bowlegs
Cruising the Bahamas following successful knee surgery
Talented young recording artist recovering just months after her total hip replacement.
Regaining my agility following hip surgery.
Six Months After My Hip Replacement, I’m Able Water Ski Again
Hip Replacement Patient Prior and Post Surgery
Robert Alvin shared a video scuba diving just six months after lateral uni knee replacement
Celebrating my 85th birthday dancing on a cruise
Barefoot water skier is now line dancing weeks after second hip replacement
Dancing in the streets of Guatemala on New Years Eve just weeks after knee replacement.
Celebrating my second-anniversary skiing after lateral PKR.
Back to performing professionally, dancing and singing following my THR.
Grateful pop star one-year post-op makes follow up video of her success
Life After Bilateral Hip Surgery
Life After Bilateral Hip Surgery
Thanks for taking such good care of my knee
Hip Fracture-Dislocation in Mexico, Dr. Leone and His Team Changed My Life
Double Hip Replacement Just Weeks after Meeting on Zoom Conference Because of COVID-19
Surgeries Resume During Pandemic and Grateful Patient
Back to Exercising and Dancing Pain-Free Following My Hip Surgery with Dr. Leone
Celebrity Bartender Back To Work After Major Revision Knee Surgery
“21 Days and Back To Work, The Knee Surgery Is Perfect”
I had my hip done posterior, not anterior and I couldn’t be happier
Remarkable 83 year old fisherman fell launching his boat. New hip four weeks later with some advice.
So Happy I finally Found Doctor Leone for my Knee Replacements
777 Captain Happy After Total Hip Replacement
Athlete, past Military and Fire Fighter after first THR
“Amazing job, I am so happy!”
Remarkable recovery just two weeks after Total Hip Replacement with New SPAIRE technique -Anterior vs. Posterior! (VIDEO)
“I Have My Life Back-After’Big’ Revision Total Knee Replacement” (Video)
“I’m a New Man” (Video) Oct. 2021
“I Am Super Thrilled” – Emily’s Journey
“I’m Doing Everything!” (Video 2021)