Back to biking, lifting weights, Pilates, Yoga and Swimming after Total Knee Replacement
I have lived with extreme pain in my right knee for the past 25 years and could not imagine being pain free. It’s been 6 weeks since my knee replacement surgery and I have resumed my normal level of activities I engaged in prior but without pain,.

53-year-old attorney now back in action following total right hip replacement
I wanted to take this opportunity to write to you regarding the recent total right hip replacement I had undergone and you had performed. As an otherwise active 53-year-old man, I simply want to thank you for everything.

So proud after hiking Yellowstone National Park just 6 weeks after knee surgery, feels great!
August 12, 2019
Last week I had the pleasure of…

Thank you notes from the Bahamas.
Thank you Dr. Leone for performing my hip replacement surgery! These two words do not adequately express how grateful I am for you giving me back the ability to resume my life especially my gardening and daily walks.

I cannot praise enough the level of ease, attention and excellent treatment from your clearly dedicated and professional team during my hip surgery.
Dear Dr. Leone,
Thank you and your team for the outstanding…

Following my hip surgery, I awoke pain-free and walked anew. My life has been restored.
It’s been exactly one month since my surgery August 1, 2018. My experience was exceptional. I didn't know what to expect so when I awoke pain free and your orthopedic therapists made me walk immediately, I felt my life had been restored as promised.
Peggy Eugenie Knowles, Hip Patient
August 2018
Peggy Eugenie Knowles, Hip Patient
August 2018

I truly feel like a bionic woman.
Hi Dr. Leone,
I wanted to thank you for helping me on my journey…

Within eight weeks of surgery I went to Europe and walked 30 miles in eight days with no pain.
After consultations with five different doctors, I finally found…