I cannot praise enough the level of ease, attention and excellent treatment from your clearly dedicated and professional team during my hip surgery.
Dear Dr. Leone,
Thank you and your team for the outstanding care provided during my two hip surgeries. For years I suffered silently with hip pain until the pain became unbearable. From the very first visit to your clinic I was impressed with the professionalism displayed by every member of your staff. After going over the initial x-rays with me, I felt comfortable with the decision to go ahead with the surgery. What really put me at ease was when you told me that I was “a perfect example of a patient that will benefit from total hip replacement.” Those words are engraved in my brain forever, and were the impetus to have both hips done as soon as possible.
I am not an athlete, but rather an average person, that had a physical condition that was keeping me from living a normal life. Thanks to your knowledge, talent, and superb staff I have my life back! The surgeries were completed two weeks apart, and I was back to work two weeks after that! I believe that the staff’s insistence that I follow the pre-op and post-op exercises and therapy were instrumental in my quick recovery (I cannot stress enough how important this was). It is now six months post-op and I am enjoying life again! I am able to walk, ride my bicycle, and even dance – pain free!
Thank you all for everything, you have fixed me good and proper. I thank you for the smooth manner in which the procedures were carried out, and the staff for the kind, sympathetic, and caring way in which they looked after me. I certainly appreciate the way everything was organized and conducted. The care you and your staff give is wonderful and very much appreciated.
Thank you all so much for improving my quality of life. I am extremely pleased with the results. Thank you for looking after me and making me feel completely at ease during my times at Holy Cross Hospital. I cannot praise enough the level of ease, attention, and excellent treatment from your clearly dedicated and professional team.
My deep and sincere thanks,
Steve Lopez