All blog posts are written by and express the expert opinion of Dr. Leone. No information on this blog should be construed as medical advice, used for diagnosis or used to determine treatment. The reader is advised to seek out professional medical advice or make an appointment with Dr. Leone for a consultation.

The Unhappy Total Knee Replacement Patient: Figuring out What Is Wrong

Unfortunately, there are a significant number of people who have undergone total knee replacement (TKR) and are not happy with the result. Some studies estimate 20% or more fall into this category. Defining success or a “satisfactory result” can mean two very different things to an individual who had the total knee versus the surgeon who implanted it.

Do Stem Cell and PRP injections help advanced arthritis: AAHKS official position

I just opened my local Sunday paper today to find a full page…

My Posterior Hip Approach Versus My Anterior Hip

Dr. Leone, It was good to see you again yesterday…

When should I have my hip or knee replaced? When you’re surviving but not thriving.

Like almost everything in life, this decision is seldom black…
when is it time?

When is it time to have my knee or hip replaced?

Deciding to finally “give in” and undergo hip or knee replacement…

How We Manage Your Pain After Surgery

At the Leone Center for Orthopedic Care, Dr. Leone and his team are committed to giving you both the best result and the best experience. One of the major reasons our patients recover so much faster and return to full activities so much sooner than even several years ago is our comprehensive approach to preventing and preempting pain. Our goal is to “stay ahead of the pain curve”. This begins in the pre-operative holding area prior to your surgery ever starting.

The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care, a ‘Destination Practice’

In 2009, Dr. William A. Leone, head of The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care at Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale, made a compassionate and well thought-out decision, transforming the business model for his orthopedic practice.

Dr. Leone Answers Individual Patient Questions and Concerns Prior to Surgery, Providing Patients with Knowledge and Confidence to Ensure an Optimal Result and Experience

At The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care, we value the doctor-patient relationship and consider it to be as important as the surgery itself. We take pride at the Leone Center in having created an environment where patients feel comfortable asking questions and then getting a personal response or help.

Hip Replacement Patients Share Videos and Photos of Their New, Active Lifestyles

It’s one thing to read testimonials about how well people are doing post joint-replacement surgery, whether it’s simply being able to move again with ease or getting back to an active lifestyle that previously was cut short.
