Tag Archive for: FAQ
After hip or knee replacement when can I shower, drive, return to work, and have sex?
I decided to write this short blog on four common questions, topics I’m routinely asked about after someone has a hip or knee surgery. When is it ok to shower and get the incision wet, when it’s safe to drive, when should they plan on returning to work and the what factors drive that timing, and finally when it’s safe to resume sexual activities?
Dr. Leone Led Hip Section at the Second Annual Winter Orthopedic Symposium
Holy Cross Hospital’s Orthopedic Institute in conjunction with Massachusetts General Hospital recently hosted the Second Annual Winter Orthopedic Symposium in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The two-day, nationally attended educational symposium included presentations on the latest advances in adult knee and hip arthroplasty, shoulder arthroplasty, joint preservation, advanced recovery and pain protocols.
Joint Replacement Surgery Q&A
In the third and final blog of my Q&A series, here are the most common questions I’m asked about joint replacement surgery, many focusing specifically on the knee.
Top 20 Questions to Ask Your Orthopedic Surgeon Prior to Hip or Knee Surgery
On my medical blog, I have discussed many topics surrounding…