All blog posts are written by and express the expert opinion of Dr. Leone. No information on this blog should be construed as medical advice, used for diagnosis or used to determine treatment. The reader is advised to seek out professional medical advice or make an appointment with Dr. Leone for a consultation.

How To Recognize and Manage Referred Pain

The human body's "shared wiring" can intermingle and cause unusual…

Metal-on-Metal Hip Replacements

Recently the FDA released a statement of concern about hip replacements…
Patient at the Leone Center for Orthopedic Care

Concierge Medicine at The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care

At the Leone Center for Orthopedic Care, we define our Concierge…

Top Five Questions to Ask an Orthopedic Surgeon about Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery

The science and technology of joint replacement continue to evolve,…

When is Knee Replacement Surgery Right for You?

The art and science of joint replacement surgery are constantly…

Anterior Approach for Hip Replacement: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are many well-established surgical approaches to the hip. …

Common Causes of Chronic Knee Pain: Are Your Knees At Risk?

If you have ever cancelled a tennis match or golf game because…

The Importance of Computer Navigation for Knee Surgery

When conservative treatments – such as physical therapy or…

Minimally Invasive Hip Surgery

The art and science of joint replacement surgery are constantly…

Revision Hip Replacement Surgery

Revision hip replacement surgery refers to more hip surgery being…

Physical therapy after your surgery: (Hip)

Your physical therapy will start the day of your surgery. We…

Postoperative Care

After your first meeting with Dr. Leone and scheduling your surgery…
