Hip replacement surgery and knee replacement surgery have proven to be two of the most successful surgeries ever developed, predictably relieving pain and improving quality of life. Total knee replacement is the most common joint replacement procedure following by total hip replacements.
Every patient is under the direct care of Dr. Leone who begins with a personal history, a thorough physical examination and state-of-the-art imaging. Based on findings, Dr Leone recommends a course of treatment.
For patients who do not require surgery, he may recommend alternatives such as specialized injections or arthroscopy. These advanced techniques can delay (and sometimes eliminate) the need for an artificial joint.
For patients who do require surgery, Dr. Leone will recommend the type of replacement and implant that is best suited to each person’s medical and lifestyle needs. He will carefully explain the procedure to the patient and often to the family and medical team. In the end, it is the patient who must make the final decision to proceed. In our experience, most patients hit a threshold of frustration and pain and know when they are “ready.”
If surgery is indicated, our Nurse Liaison will meet with each patient to review additional information. Many patients decide to schedule surgery during that initial visit. Others prefer to go home and think about it.